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The whole story revolves around a teenager boy Clay Jensen and a girl Hannah Baker, who ends her life after suffering a series of demoralizing activities and inhuman treatment by the students at her school. She recorded 13 cassette tapes before committing suicide telling the reasons why she ended her life.Here are the 13 reasons why you must watch this TV series:

  1. To understand a girl’s life: You would understand how a girl lives her life in odd and even circumstances which will help you give an idea about how bad their life can be.
  2. To see the effects of bullying: What’s the worst kind of bullying we’ve ever faced? The show tells us that some scars do never fade away.
  3. To feel how its like to have no friends: Imagine of you had no friends, you have no one to share your feelings and thoughts.                                      
  4. To know how bad it is to feel empty:  This series runs through realistic version of blanl feelings.
  5. To know the choices a girl can makeWhat are the choices a girl can make, when something goes wrong? Can she tell someone about what happened to her? Can she expose the culprit in front of everyone? You would see how hard it is for a girl to make choice during tough times.
  6. Can little things make us happy?: When things are complicated even, when someone sends you a picture pf cute bunny can make you smile.The show depicts how little things makes us happy when we’re going through a lot.
  7. To understand a teenager’s challenges: Teenage is the most sensitive period of life. Watching this show will give us a clear idea about how bad a teenager’s life can be.
  8. To develop a different mentalityMany times, we make our mentality and don’t want to see things from someone else’s point of view, we think according to our mentality. This series will tell you that there’s always another point of view and we never know which one is the right one.
  9. To shape your personality: This TV series might may change your personality a little bit. It may add some interesting attributes to your personality.
  10. To change the way you think: We all think and talk seriously about the things that matter to us. But, what about the things that matter to others.
  11. To feel the pain: What pain really is? This is not just about the good and bad, The show shows us how worse pain can really be.
  12. Do we really run out of options?You would have heard that a person committed suicide because he had no options left. You might have wondered that does this situation really occur? Do we really run out of options? You will get all these answers after watching this.
  13. It will make you value your life: It really does.

Season two airs on May 18 2018


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