- Camping,one of the most popular types of holiday
- It offers people chance to enjoy the great outdoors at close quarters
- It also offers freedom to choose to stay at one campsite through a holiday
- Now whatever type of holiday,it is important to take the appropriate clothing,food and equipment
- Many campers stay on organized campsites with shared cooking and washing facilities.
- Those who prefer to camp "in the wild" look for high,level,dry ground on which to pitch a tent.
- The best campsites are sheltered from the wind and not too close to any rivers or dams
2.Making a tepee fire
Fires provide warmth and means of cooking,but they can also be dangerous.Campers must make certain that a fire is permitted,safe,and will not harm their tent or surroundings.They are especially careful if a strong wind is blowing
- The camper gathers the fuel he/she needs ,cuts out a square of turf,and put a layers of sticks in the hole.
- The camper then balances four sticks to meet at the top in a tepee shape,making sure the tepee has enough space for tinder inside the sticks.
- Gradually, the camper adds more sticks,making the tepee as sturdy as possible and puts some tinder,such as leaves and dry grass inside.
It is basic to take only the basic items of equipment camping.These include all the tools needed to setup a camp,as well as cooking and eating utensils.In addition campers should take hard-wearing clothes to protect them against all the types of weather.
- For healthy eating,campers aim to maintain a balanced diet, including fruit and vegetables ,bread,and food containing protein such as fish and meat
- If it is difficult or impossible for campers to buy food while they are away,they take tinned or freeze-dried foods,which will not perish
- Campers should only drink water from approved sources.
Watch video on "How to make a tepee fire" :http://linkshrink.net/7QTHWR
Also famous campsites in the world :http://linkshrink.net/7n8ktl
Other life hacks and tips here:http://linkshrink.net/7NiARU
Ok thats all for today,share your camping experiences with me and send your valuable replies,
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