If only we could choose our own reality. If only we could go back to the past and change things, do stuff differently. But I guess that’s just life, just go living it whether you like it or not.
So I’m sitting in a train and there is this mother and her son sitting beside me. And this kid is asking so many questions about trains and stations and stuff. The mother is feeling sleepy but she’s not sleeping. She’s trying very hard to listen to her son and answer his infinite, endless Q&A section. The thing is we only know the value of a person or a thing when we’ve lost it. We ignore our mothers our whole life and one day we wake up and realize they're just not there. And we live the rest of our lives with regret. The regret of not expressing love. It doesn’t matter if you have all this love for a person inside your heart. You need to express it, show that person that he/she matter in your life. Sayonara
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