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15 doable things that you can add to your Bucket list.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't have a bucket list these days. Things you should do before you die! Let me stop you right there.
I'm not going to list typical things.
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go skydiving
This is so cliche. Because of one out of 1000 are only able to do these things. What's the point of having Wishlist if you can't even do the half of those things? 
So I'm about to give you a list of things to add to your list, which by 85% you might be able to do. 
           1. LEARN TO DRIVE 

            I know that most of you already know this but this is just for starters. Some of you may not know how to drive. Learn to drive. So that your parents don't have to call someone else when they have to go somewhere. So that you can be where ever you want to be (if you own a ride obviously). 


              Some of you, well most of you might have already done this during their childhood. 
But those who haven't till this moment LETS DO THIS. It is so refreshing that once felt you don't want it to stop.
P.S: Don't forget to dry your hair immediately after the drill.

           3. OWN A PET

              Whatever it may be, a cat or a parrot. It's always good to have a pet. It gives responsibility at this age. To feed them. To take good care of them. It also gives you a great relief from your work stress or whatever.
P.S: Reports say that dogs can understand your feelings better than anyone else.

       4. SLEEP UNDER A SKY 
              FULL OF STARS
   Well, this may be a little bit awkward. ”Mom I'm going to sleep on the terrace”. This can also be done when you go camping somewhere. Isn't it wonderful to see all those twinkling stars far away (knowing that they ain't actually twinkling)? 
P.S: Try to pick someplace where there are relatively fewer mosquitoes. 

         5. USE A TELESCOPE

I got this idea from John Green’s ”Turtles all the way down”. Imagine seeing all those stars and galaxies at your fingertips (knowing that they are light years away). Identifying shapes, entering into a whole different level of reality.
        Dude, it's somewhat above the budget to own a telescope, right?. It's okay, you can visit nearby regional science centres or laboratories, where they have a telescope. I'm sure it might not be a problem if you take a peek.


 A Scrapbook can be anything. You can fit your whole life into it. With photographs from your childhood, postcards from your friends, memories. Creating something which is whole about yourself. 

         7. START A BLOG

Me, personally encourage this choice very much. (Welcome to my blog BTW, Ahem). It can be about anything you have knowledge about, health, lifestyle, maybe even about yourself and thoughts running  through your mind. 
P.S: If you are good enough, you can even make some bucks out of it.

          8. WRITE A BOOK

  F this. I'm out. It doesn't have to be ”Alchemist” or ”Harry Potter”. Just something that purely comes out of your mind. A story, may be. A fiction, Good. Whatever it may be. Once you've finished it, you'll feel proud of yourself. 

            WITH ONES YOU LOVE

 A Polaroid cam doesn't cost much these days. So this is quite doable. Taking pictures with ones you love, (Not like professional ones) which only depicts your love between. 
P.S: Hang them around your room with little light works(Saw in some movie)

       10. GO CAMPING WITH 
                YOUR FRIENDS 

   Camping is fun. It's night, and you are in the middle of nowhere with your best ones, sitting around the campfire, listening to music, laughing to jokes. Ultimate freedom, one hell of an experience.
P.S: Check out my post on ”Camping Tips”

       11. GO ON A ROAD TRIP 

   There's nothing better than going to places that you've never been before. Exploring the culture. Meeting new people. Getting to know about strange and beautiful traditions.

         12. GO ON A SOLO

Once in a while, It's good to leave everything behind for some days. Work, family, friends. Go somewhere you've never been before. Just yourself. Try something new, rock climbing, hiking, You name it.

                  A MOUNTAIN          

”The best view often comes after the hardest climb” (*unknown). Climbing a mountain requirements s some work. After the climb, you will be exhausted. You'll have the urge to say something thing to the whole world. It would be AWESOME to scream with your full energy.
P.S: I would rather say that F word.

           14. DO YOUR DREAM JOB.

  You don't always get the job you want immediately after the college. You have to be patient. Work hard on where you are and improve yourself. Be confident and be consistent about what you want to do. With enough hard work, chances are you'll be sitting in the chair which you wanted.
 P.S: I got limited knowledge about this.

         15. BE INDEPENDENT

   What if you were in control of your life. You are secure with a job, you have your own apartment, you got a decent ride, you got people who love you around yourself, you are living the life you love. There is no better feeling than this.
*Enjoy your life before its too late. Not money, not owning a limo, can make you great. It's having a beautiful mind and living the life you wanted.

Start working on your list right now. 
Thank you for reading 
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