I never thought of love as a necessity, you know. I’m talking about the romantic kind here. Like I always thought of it as a bonus thing. Suppose you have it, good. If you don’t, well you can still live. But these days, I realize you need love. It’s like how you feel all tired and grumpy if you didn’t have a good night’s sleep or a decent breakfast. And now it doesn’t necessarily have to be from your boyfriend/girlfriend. It may be from your parents, friends, or siblings. You need some kind of love to survive. And the lack of it doesn’t make you grumpy or anything. Well in my case, these days I don’t feel like a real person. You know, like I’m here, I’m going to work, having breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’m showering when I feel like it. I’m sitting in the plastic chair and watching the sun slowly turn orange to black in the span of a few minutes. Then what, the rest is a blank sheet. I feel like a soulless person. And I have all this love and words to give, but it’s just me. I feel like I’m floating barely through a river on a chilly night. One of these days I am going to let go of it. One of these days I am going to drown. Yeah, maybe if I’m lucky enough, it may cause some ripples. But, if you want me to be honest, I don’t think anyone will ever notice.
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