CHARLIE Sam, you ever think that if people knew how crazy you really were, no one would ever talk to you? SAM All the time. 1:35AM I am awake. Completely awake. I want to be awake. I switch off the fan at regular intervals so I'll sweat and lose any drop of sleep incoming. I'm not lying on my bed right now. I've always liked confined spaces. I'm lying beneath it. Yes. I'm sweating but that's okay. My notebook by my side. A million thoughts rushing through my mind. It's like you just put your earphones into your pocket and 5 minutes later you take it out and it's all tangled. And you wonder what the fuck? I was just sitting there. No. Wrong metaphor. What I'm trying to say is that all these thoughts are tangled and mixed up. So I'm unable to just pick out one thought from it and write about it. It's a total mess. 2 AM You know how sometimes when we listen to a song a...
I write when I can't breath.