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Hey you,
I have to say it,
Quarantine sucks big time.
You've left me under your coffee table.
I think there are 5 other people currently lying above me.
I'm having a hard time breathing.
And I can't sleep. Thanks to all this dust.
Anyways, there are some things I wanted to tell you but never did.
Hey you,
I know I'm not made of flesh and bones, like most of your friends.
But I want you to know that I care for you.
And I know you care about me too.
And I know that you want us to be your little secret.
so you keep me underneath your bed,
corner of the coffee table, wherever you feel I'm safe.
Hey you,
I love it when you smell me.
Your eyes become wider than usual.
I love it when you spread your hands through me, Very carefully.
Like you're going through a baby's hair.
I love the look on your eyes,
right after you'd told me everything about your day.
Hey you,
When it's past midnight and you're suffocated by your thoughts
I'll lay by your side and you can pour them onto me.
Or when you wake up from a bad dream,
I'll hold on to you and you can tell me all about it.
Or there if there comes a time when you have to let someone go,
and you lose all the hope and you feel like you're all alone,
my dear, you can think of me.

Sending you love and care, today and every day.
Your journal.

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