Have you ever got stuck at some point in your life and thought like “what if this is not me”? What if this is not where I belong? What if this is not my thing? Do I have a passion? Will I ever find it? Is there some point in life where I will be finally doing something that makes me happy?
Well, first of all, passion is overrated. The whole ”find your passion, works hard for it” thing, it's a fairytale. Some people figure out what they wanna do very early. Some take time, whereas some people spend their whole lives looking for it and finally die living a miserable, tedious life.
It's okay to not have a ”thing”. It's okay to live and die infamous. It's okay to live an ordinary life.
What you have to realize is that a vast part of your life is going to be boring and not so “cool”. And that’s okay too.
But remember this, always try to live in the moment. If you are working, work 100%. If you are chilling, chill 100%. Whatever you do make sure you make it worth your time.
Another thing to note is you can never be eternally happy. The scene you have in your mind, with beautiful sunset and a cute girl by your side living happily ever after, that kinda thing only happens in movies. The more you look for positivity in your life, the more negative it become. The more sad and desperate you are about you being sad and desperate, the more sad and desperate you become.
It’s a paradox. So wake up, put on your shoes and seize the fu.. damn day! Sayonara.
1: The two mosquitoes that has been flying on and around my legs for the past hour.
2: My roommate for staying silent.
3: Prateek kuhad
1: The two mosquitoes that has been flying on and around my legs for the past hour.
2: My roommate for staying silent.
3: Prateek kuhad
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