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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Directed by: John Hughes 

Language: English

Year: 1986

Country: United States 

Genre: drama, teen film, comedy 

Starring: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jennifer Grey, Jeffrey Jones

A high school wise guy is determined to have a day off from school, despite what the principal thinks of that. 

My view
Ferris Bueller's Day Off is an American coming of age movie directed by John Hughes.

The cast members have performed excellently. Especially, Matthew Broderick, it's like he was born for this role. 

Coming to the story Ferris Bueller is nothing like any other high school movie kids we've seen. Usually, in every high school movie, the boy/girl is either an introvert, have a bad family, all the other kids hate him/her or all of the above. 

But here surprisingly Ferris Bueller is this ideal kid. He's famous, handsome, is a good singer, got a nice family, has a pretty girlfriend, and everybody likes him. It's like he got it all. 

School's about to close in a month and him, his pretty girlfriend and his rich depressed best friend decide to bunk the class. So the movie goes through the events that are taking place in that single day. 

At first, it would seem that skipping school and enjoying the entire day is the only thing on his mind. But he does all this for his friend to win some self-respect. He had planned the day perfectly so that at the end of the day his friend would realize that there's more to life than what he had seen.

I think what the movie tries to convey is that we should live every day of our lives like it's our last. 

 The scenes involving the dean of the school, Ed Rooney (Jeffrey Jones) was quite enjoyable. 
Even though Ferris’s sister was a little jealous towards him throughout the entire movie, that everything eventually works out for him. Later she realizes that it wasn't his fault. 

It's like Ferris Bueller says in the movie, ”life goes by so fast that if you don't stop and look around, you might miss it”.

The director has beautifully used the technique of breaking the fourth wall (later) to tell the story in some parts of the movie. The way we see it its funny, but during those scenes, Ferris is honest with the audience. When he speaks to us, he speaks the truth. He keeps it all real with us. The same can't be said for the other characters in the movie.

In a nutshell, Ferris Bueller's day off is just an innocent, sweet, warm-hearted comedy about a slight, whimsical and sweet boy.

Breaking the fourth wall
Imagine that you're sitting in a theatre. There are three walls that surround yourself. The left, right and to your backside. And then there is this fourth imaginary wall that separates your real world from the fictional world. So when a film breaks the fourth wall, there is no longer a boundary between what is real and what is fictional. Now you're also part of the fictional universe or vice-versa. 
There are many methods to do this. The common way is that when the character turns to the camera and directly addresses the spectator.
This method can be seen in movies like fight club, Goodfellas, Deadpool 2, etc;

Images: Pinterest 


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