So its finally here, yes you know what am talking about, the best mcu movie till date.

Its so amazing that I can’t stop thinking about all the scenes all over again. So I’ll just list out things from my perceptive.
Avengers Infinity war is a complete experience packed with humour, action, suspense, you name it. Its like thanos said ‘perfectly balanced as everything should be’.
The whole cast is present, but one will notice absence of hawkeye and ant-man. But why hesitate we got like 63 characters here, plus special cameos.
Tony stark as always leads the movie. He says Thanos had been inside his head for last 6 years. Robert downey is at his peak performance. We all knew something bad was going to happen to him, but god bless Dr.Strange. We all are happy that he’s not dead YET. Don’t forget the insane upgrades he had bought up with his suit this time.
Captain america who had ‘broke up’ with Tony reunites in Infinity war as the greatest threat is here. The return of Cap with new look with beard was awsome.I’m surprised actually he’s alive.
Thor has shown again he’s the god. Despite losing his brother Loki at the beginning of the movie itself, he returns with his new mighty weapon ‘storm breaker’ to stop thanos. Combination scenes of him with the guardians was so good. Also we can see ‘Game of thrones’ star Peter dinklage shows up in a cameo as the dwarf who makes the ‘Storm breaker’ for thor.(He had also made the mjolnir and gauntlet) Alas he’s alive.
Dr strange went to a whole different level of performance in Infinity war. Fighting in every possible way. Here we may think why did he just gave the time stone to thanos (He could have saved Thanos from having the MIND stone by letting Wanda Maximoff (scarlett witch) Destroy it with her anonymous power), but why?
He says he had seen millions of outcomes and there’s only one chance that they can win. Maybe he knew that for that plan to workout Tony was essential, and maybe that’s why he had traded Tony’s life for Time stone. Unfortunately, It seems he disappeared into ashes, but we don’t know what’s for sure, We’ll just have to wait.
This also happens in case of Black panther, the last entry to MCU despite all the chances turned into ashes.
The scene that made me cry was amidst all the love, spidey says: Mr stark I’m not feeling so good’. It was so heartbreaking. The case of the last two mentioned also applies here. I mean we all never thought, whoever may die but spidey never would.
The funny thing is that hulk is no longer coming out of Bruce banner so he’s using a Hulkbuster provided by Wakanda. He’s alive.
Black widow and okoye deserves a special mention. They fought very bravely in Wakanda and both are alive yet.
A big surprise was that we didn’t yet knew WANDA had this much power.
Romance between Vision and Wanda is depicted sweetly.Both dead. Dude seriously?
As for Gamora, Heimdall, Falcon, Star lord(Who unintentionally stopped Peter from having Thanos’s gauntlet) are also no more.
The mightiest villain of MCU. He’s just brilliant. There’s also some moments that we may feel a little sympathy towards him. He has clear and simpler aim. Just to clear half the universe and as of the end of the movie, we may think he already has.
Special applause for the background score which dominated every scene of the movie.
The post credit scene
In post credit scene which may have created a little confusion to some of the audience.
We see Nick fury and Maria hill driving in a car (News about disappearance of Tony stark playing in background). And suddenly a car crashes onto them and also a helicopter falling is also seen. Maria hill starts fading away and our worst fear also happens as nick fury starts to fade. He somehow takes out some remote like pager and send code red. And then this symbol appears
And we’re like what the heck is this?
Surprise!!! Its the CAPTAIN MARVEL
Yes, we already know solo captain marvel movie releases by march 2019, we didn’t even thought of the possibility that she may be coming to avengers. But now as most of mightiest have ‘faded’ away we need someone.
Who is captain marvel?
We know Captain Marvel has her own movie coming next year, before the next Avengers film. And while we're still not certain where she falls in the MCU timeline, we're pretty sure the movie will focus on her origin story from the 90’s--
The 2019 film Captain Marvel will star Brie Larson as the Carol Danvers version of the character, a version created in 1968 by writer Roy Thomas and artist Gene Colan. Her complicated comics backstory: She worked to become a high-ranking Air Force pilot before she quit to join the CIA and eventually NASA. While Larsen has not technically appeared in the MCU yet, we saw her logo in the Avengers: Infinity War end-credits scene.
And on top of all that, Kevin Feige has described Captain Marvel as the MCU’s “most powerful hero by far… If you had the collector cards of the Marvel characters and you could see the power levels, she would be off the charts compared to anyone that we’ve previously introduced in a film.” It seems like calling her in is a kind of Hail Mary in a situation that’s more dire than anything Earth has faced in this storyline so far.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments if you think we skipped any reasons we should be stoked about the first outing of this larger-than-life character.
Captain Marvel is set for release on March 29, 2019. The next chapter in the MCU timeline is Ant-man and the wasp, coming July 18 of this year. And finally, the next Avengers movie arrives May 4, 2019.1
Achu mon😍