Directed by: John Hughes Language: English Year: 1986 Country: United States Genre: drama, teen film, comedy Starring: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jennifer Grey, Jeffrey Jones Synopsis A high school wise guy is determined to have a day off from school, despite what the principal thinks of that. My view Ferris Bueller's Day Off is an American coming of age movie directed by John Hughes. The cast members have performed excellently. Especially, Matthew Broderick, it's like he was born for this role. Coming to the story Ferris Bueller is nothing like any other high school movie kids we've seen. Usually, in every high school movie, the boy/girl is either an introvert, have a bad family, all the other kids hate him/her or all of the above. But here surprisingly Ferris Bueller is this ideal kid. He's famous, handsome, is a good singer, got a nice family, has a pretty girlfriend, and everybody l...
I write when I can't breath.