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Showing posts from October, 2018

Bienvenue à Pondichéry

After months of planning, we finally decided to book train tickets to Puducherry. We had no idea about the place, nor we had known anyone who had gone there. We just saw some beautiful pictures on Instagram and that was it. Why not Puducherry?  It took us some time to find an affordable room and a nice place to eat breakfast. There are a lot of rooms available near the W hite Town and its better because there are a lot to see within a kilometre radius. We had to get ready by afternoon and had to cover the nearby destinations by the end of the day.  We left out the big endeavours for the very next day. Transportation Its better to rent a bike or a scooter when you are in Puducherry because buses don't get into most of the places and you would have to walk an extra mile. You can find lot of  cheap rentals in Mission Street.  We took 2 scooters and a bike and we had to ride triple in one scooter. But don't worry,  Puducherry has got the least strict traffic syst